Baroque Recorder - Beginner
Offered through Lawrence Parks and Recreation. Weekly on Mondays, September 9 - December 9 (no class on 10/14/24 or 11/25/24)
Have you always wanted to play a musical instrument, or did you participate in music during school? We will explore the Baroque recorder as a wonderful vehicle for making music as a lifelong learner. Playing an instrument is great for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. As you begin to play, you can create beautiful sounds on the recorder and enjoy an authentic musical experience. Beginning and experienced musicians are welcome. Instructor Jean Hein was a founding member, recorder soloist, and executive director of Columbia Baroque, South Carolina’s professional chamber ensemble.
$90 fee for 8-week session.
Contact Gayle Sigurdson, lifelong recreation programmer, at (785) 832-7920 or We will be happy to enroll you if space is available.