Can you give an hour or two?
You can make a difference in the life of area seniors by giving of your time.
Volunteer at SRC
There are numerous volunteer opportunities at the Senior Resource Center.
Current areas of need:
– Assist with strategic planning on senior issues
– Grocery deliveries (Help seniors access needed groceries by picking up online orders)
– Help seniors cross the digital divide by providing assistance with computer/smart phone
– Lead a Special Interest Group at SRC
– Lunchtime Receptionist
– Volunteer Senior Wheels Driver (Baldwin City and Eudora)
– Safe Winter Walkways (Partner with the City of Lawrence to ensure seniors’ sidewalks are shoveled in the winter months.)
– Yard Work (Help with raking leaves, mowing, and basic yard work.)
– Odds & Ends…just help seniors with basic tasks around their home or other small projects
Become a SHICK Counselor
Become one of many SHICK counselors across the state who assist area seniors to navigate the changing conditions in health care insurance and to cut through the confusion. Help educate seniors on topics related to Medicare and other insurance issues.
For more information and to apply visit our Medicare page.
Volunteering with SRC is Rewarding and Flexible!
We are flexible! Volunteer as often as you have time.
Once a month, once a week, or by appointment when you have free time!
To get involved and become a SRC Volunteer, call at 785- 727-7879 or email Doug Wendel.
or bring your completed Volunteer Application to our office.
Volunteer in the Community
Douglas County is full of other opportunities to volunteer. For the single best place to view opportunities and/or sign up to be notified when something appears of interest to you, go to the United Way Roger Hill Volunteer Center or call 785-865-5030. Be sure to check out the current issue of Better Senior Living where we highlight an area senior making a difference volunteering in the community.