Medicare & Other Health Insurance
Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (SHICK) is the federal State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) for navigating Medicare in Kansas. SHICK is free, unbiased, and confidential. Trained community counselors answer questions about Medicare and other insurance issues. This program is supported by grants and donations. We do not sell anything.
Need assistance with anything Medicare?
Call us at 785-727-7872 or email Medicare@YourSRC.org
Welcome to Medicare
Starting full Medicare coverage in the next 90 days and need guidance? We can help!
These four easy steps will provide information, presentations, and contacts to help you make the transition and secure the best coverage to suit your needs whether you are still employed, on disability, or will be relying on Medicare coverage for your health insurance coverage.

STEP 1: Download/Request a SRC Medicare Checklist.
Turning 65 soon or approved for Medicare because of disability: download checklist
Delayed full Medicare and now stopping/losing employer health insurance: download checklist
“What an incredible program. Thanks for providing this service to the community.”

STEP 2: Register here for SRC’s Welcome to Medicare Session
This is a monthly presentation by a certified SHICK counselor covering Medicare deadlines, coverage options, penalties for inaction, and more. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Seating is limited.
“It was a very informational meeting. I will refer any 64-year-olds I meet.”
“I thank you for making such a confusing subject so much more clear”
“This was an hour well spent!”

STEP 3: Make an Individual Appointment
Meet with a SHICK counselor to review your final plan selections once you have your Medicare card and attended a Welcome to Medicare presentation.
“I came into the meeting knowing nothing about Medicare and came out feeling like I had all the resources and information I needed. Thank you!”

STEP 4: Annual Medicare Open Enrollment
Between October 15 and December 7 every year, review/change your Part D drug plan or Medicare Advantage plan coverage. Make sure you can get your prescriptions at the lowest cost at your preferred pharmacy. See what new plans are available.
“I appreciated the information and ways to cut down on medical prescription costs. We are so lucky to have this service.”
“This was extremely worthwhile. THANKS so much!”
Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, January 1-March 31
This is an additional special time for those with Medicare Advantage to change your Medicare Advantage plan or revert to traditional Medicare (Parts A, B, Supplement, D). Schedule an individual appointment here during this period with a SHICK counselor if you wish to review or make changes to your Medicare Advantage plan.
Assistance with Premiums, Questions about Coverage
Do you need help to lower prescription drug and premium costs? Click here to download our brochure for more information on eligibility requirements for financial help and Medical Savings Programs .
Do you have questions about what Medicare covers or how much Medicare pays for claims?
Make a short telephone appointment with a SHICK counselor to assess your situation and answer your questions.
Our SHICK counselors provide a valuable service. Most have been through this process themselves and enjoy helping others make informed decisions. Some of our counselors volunteer year round; others volunteer only during the fall open enrollment period. Our volunteers provide year-round assistance with phone calls and directing the public to resources. More information here.
Complete an application and submit via email to medicare@yoursrc.org or deliver to 745 Vermont St., Lawrence. We will contact you.
Helpful Websites/Publications
Affordable Care Act: Healthcare.gov (not yet 65)
Financial Assistance:
Help with Prescription Drug Costs
Medicare Premium Assistance (Medicare Savings Plans)